316 (City of Lake Macquarie) Squadron
Squadron details

How to join as a cadet
Ready to join Air Force Cadets? Find out more about the eligibility criteria before signing up.
How to join as an adult volunteer
To join this Squadron as an adult volunteer, check out the How to Join information.
More Information
316SQN will be holding recruit information sessions on the following dates:
Thursday 21 November 2024 at 1830 (6:30pm)
Thursday 13 February 2025 at 1830 (6:30pm)
AT: Bullecourt Barracks, Military Road, Adamstown
Some important dates for recruits:
Recruit Training for Intake 1 of 2025 on Thursday 20 February 2025
Recruit Training Weekend – Friday 3 April to Sunday 5 April 2025
EMAIL ENQUIRIES TO: 316sqn@airforcecadets.gov.au
Cadets at 316 Squadron will be exposed to a host of opportunities and experiences they would be unlikely to find in any other youth organisation, these opportunities include:
air experience flying and gliding
fieldcraft and survival exercises
ceremonial parades
firearms safety training
social events each year
Cadets can also participate in various camps and courses during school holidays such as powered flying, gliding, promotion courses, general service training and abseiling.
The AAFC was originally formed in 1941 as the Air Training Corps (ATC), a voluntary organisation providing pre-entry training for young males intending to join the RAAF during World War Two. Nearly 2000 cadets joined the RAAF during WW2 the majority becoming aircrew. After the war the organisation evolved to develop its current aims and structure.
The Air Training Corps was renamed the Australian Air Force Cadets on its 60th anniversary in 2001.
316 Squadron is the direct descendant of the WW2, Newcastle based, 32 Squadron Air Training Corps. In 1951, 32 Squadron was reorganised as No.16 Flight NSW ATC and in 2001 the NSW AIRTC became 3 Wing AAFC and 16 Flight became 316SQN AAFC.
At this Wing we bring together cadets from different squadrons for training and activities.