307 Squadron - Lidcombe
Squadron details

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Originally formed in August 1941 No 24 Squadron was raised at Ashfield, NSW to provide training of young men in preparation to enlist in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). With the war over the Air Training Corps were reorganised and No. 24 Squadron was renamed as No 7 Flight on the 21 February 1946.
In 1949 the Unit was transferred to the RAAF Base located at Bankstown Airport; it continued there until 1977 when the RAAF re-located again to premises at No 2 Stores Depot, RAAF, Regents Park.
In 1999 with the RAAF moving out of Regents Park and the land that No 7 Flight occupied being required for the Sydney Olympics Games in 2000 saw No 7 Flight again moved this time to its own dedicated building at the Lidcombe Training Depot.
In 2001, with the renaming of all the Cadet Forces, 7 Flight NSW AIRTC became 307 Squadron 'City of Bankstown' Australian Air Force Cadets.
From a start in 1941 of 4 Staff and 35 Cadets 307 Squadron currently has a strength of 11 Staff members and 112 Cadets.
At this Wing we bring together cadets from different squadrons for training and activities.