Group Captain (AAFC) Stephen Johns

Stephen Johns joined the Queensland Air Training Corp (QAIRTC) as a cadet in 1979 at 15 Flight located at Cavendish Road State High School Brisbane.
Stephen continued his involvement as a cadet and over the years was part of the QAIRTC band and participated in aviation activities learning to fly and taking his first solo flight before getting his driver’s licence and later receiving his Restricted Pilots Licence.
In 1984 he joined as an Instructor of Cadets and has been appointed to various roles and positions. Stephen has been a Squadron Training Officer, Commanding Officer and in 2010 took on a role as a Regional Executive Officer within 2 Wing Headquarters.
He has also held 2 Wing Headquarters roles such as the 2 Wing Executive Officer, Staff Officer Community Engagement and most recently appointed as the Officer Commanding in July 2021.
With an interest of helping others Stephen joined the Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade (QATB) as an Honorary Ambulance Officer at Beenleigh in 1985. This would become his lifelong career.
Stephen has served the community of Queensland with the now Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) for over 35 years as an Advanced Care Paramedic and has worked in many communities around the State and held numerous Operational and Executive Roles.
He is currently located within the Darling Downs and South West Region, based in Toowoomba as a Senior Operations Supervisor. Over the years this role has seen Stephen play integral roles in Natural Disasters and Large Community Events.
Stephen received the National Emergency Medal for his contribution to the community during the Devastating floods in Toowoomba and the Lockyer Valley in 2011. He also received a Commissioners commendation for the role in played during the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games.
Stephen is married to Kelly and has six adult children. When the opportunity arises they both enjoy travelling Nationally and Internationally.